+44 (0)1903 882954 admin@arundeltowncouncil.gov.uk


Current Job Vacancies

Volunteer Assistant Tree Warden 
Arundel Town Council is seeking a Volunteer Assistant Tree Warden. 

Tree Wardens are local tree champions who plant, look after and make trees matter in their communities. You don’t need prior training or experience of trees and their management – just a love of trees and a few hours to spare.

For more information about Tree Wardens, visit West Sussex County Council’s Tree Warden webpage: 


Principal Responsibilities include:

  1. To advise the Council’s Planning Committee on all tree-related planning applications in Arundel.
  2. To work with the Town Council on all tree-related issues, identifying risks and opportunities for the benefit of the whole community.
  3. To be the catalyst for getting tree projects started and supported, and for encouraging sponsorship, interest in trees and tree-planting throughout Arundel.
  4. To submit quarterly Tree Warden reports to Full Council.

To apply please email your covering letter explaining why you’d like to become a Volunteer Tree Warden to town.clerk@arundeltowncouncil.gov.uk 


Casual Event Staff

We have an opportunity to join our events team on a casual basis, flexible shifts and weekend/evening availability is a must. For more information click here to download the full job advert.
