We are sad to share the news of the passing of Colin Heriot who was Arundel Town Mayor in both 2006 and 2007

Oliver Hawkins has written this for The Bell that is to be published at the end of February
Colin Heriot, who died peacefully in hospital on 28 January, was a very well-known and well-loved resident of Arundel. This is not the place to give a full account of his activities, but his two years as Mayor were just the tip of a long period of service in almost all areas of Arundel life – many years on the Town Council, a committee member of the Arundel Society in its most active days, periods serving as a school governor and managing a young football team, and at the same time making himself available whenever anyone needed help setting up a fete or taking down a theatre set, stewarding an exhibition or staffing a bar. How he found time to commute to London every day to a job with USB was something of a mystery.
Colin and Jackie came to live in Arundel in 1977, initially in Maltravers Street. Their children James and Francesca were brought up in the town, going to school in Chichester, and on to successful careers in Dublin and London respectively, but Colin and Jackie liked Arundel enough to move house three times without leaving the town, taking in Tarrant Street, Surrey Wharf and Ford Road. Holidays were spent in their house in France, and it was in France that Colin suffered a stroke in 2009 that left him less physically active but still absolutely committed to making a contribution to the town. He will be greatly missed, remembered for his enthusiasm for 1960s music, loyalty to Manchester United, and unfailing helpfulness to everyone around him.
Oliver Hawkins
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