+44 (0)1903 882954 admin@arundeltowncouncil.gov.uk

Latest Updates from Arun District Council

Small Business Grant Funds Arun District Council has been processing Small Business Grant Funds as a priority and nearly £13 million in grant funding has now been paid. There are still more than 700 businesses yet to apply and we would like to hear from them as they may be entitled to support. Follow this [...]

Virtual Finance & General Purposes Committee Meeting

Arundel Town Council will be holding a virtual F&GP Committee Meeting on Thursday 30th April at 6.30pm This is a public meeting, if you would like to join please request an invitation by emailing admin@arundeltowncouncil.gov.uk at least 24hrs prior to the meeting. The meeting agenda can be found here: https://bit.ly/3eLh9sR Any public questions must be emailed [...]

Latest Coronavirus (COVID-19) Update from WSCC

Dear residents and partners, As the weather remains pleasant it might be tempting to spend more time outside or to arrange to meet friends and family. We wish to remind you of the social distancing rules and stress the importance of adhering to them. You should only leave the house for very limited purposes: shopping [...]

Arundel Tidal Defences Scheme Update – 23 April 2020

Latest Update from the Environment Agency: River wall improvement works Good progress is being made as the improvements to the wall at River Road continue. Approximately half of the steel sheet piles have now been installed. However, we are starting to experience some difficulties and delay in the construction industry supply chain as a result of Covid-19. This has affected [...]

Tidal Defence Scheme – Update on Works

Please see below a message from the Environment Agency in relation to works taking place at Arun Street Gardens tomorrow: On Thursday 23 April 2020 (tomorrow) construction work will be taking place at Arun Street Gardens (at the downstream extent of the new river wall). The work will involve a large concrete mixer being driven [...]


Sussex Resilience Forum that is coordinating the emergency response across East Sussex, West Sussex and Brighton and Hove issued a press release last Thursday with Assistant Chief Constable of Sussex Police. Press Release Article including list of equipment and specifications https://www.sussex.police.uk/srf  Any expressions of donations need to be emailed to SussexResilienceForum@sussex.pnn.police.uk