The History of the Arundel Community Awards
The Arundel Community Award is now on its seventh year of celebrating the wonderful community of Arundel Town.
Over this time, awards have been given to both individuals and married couples.
The 2021 Community Awards
Long-standing Arundel resident John Munro was awarded the Arundel Community Cup in 2021 by Tony Hunt Mayor of Arundel to mark his contribution to life in the town.
John was nominated for his outstanding work in setting up the Macular Support Group in Arundel – a group he continues to lead at the age of 91. But John’s contribution goes beyond this achievement – he was instrumental in the creation of The Bell – Arundel’s town magazine – of which he was the Editor for six years from its launch in December 1995. Over the years John has played an active part in Arundel life, holding voluntary roles in many of the town’s groups such as Drip Action Theatre Company, Arundel Players, The Art Society, Arun Choral Society and the Probus Club.
The joint winners of the Young Person’s Community Commendation were:
Izzy Johnson – nominated by her Guide Leader for the hard work, effort and time she gives to 1st Arundel Rainbows where she is a young leader.
James Gray – nominated by the Deputy and Assistant Headteachers at Arundel Church of England Primary School for his outstanding contribution to a better understanding of environmental issues, by inspiring his school to make eco pledges and through the sale of a book full of environmental photographs.
Congratulations must also go to local residents who were all awarded a Certificate of Recognition from the Mayor.
Bob Tanner was recognised for his voluntary gardening roles at St Philip’s Catholic Primary School, as Arundel’s Tree Warden and for his work as the Chair of Arundel Gardens Association. His certificate was given to him by the President of the AGA, Martin Duncan, in a surprise presentation during the AGM of the Arundel Gardens Association which was happening concurrently with the Community Awards!
Sharon Blaikie was recognised for her voluntary work to deliver the Arundel Festival of the Arts in a safe and creative way in 2021, despite the many obstacles that ever-changing Covid restrictions put in the way. She was also credited with leading the Arundel Chamber of Commerce to become a vibrant and cohesive group of businesses working together for the good of the Arundel community.
John Paton was the final recipient of a Certificate of Recognition in thanks for his sustained efforts to rescue the Victoria Institute in Tarrant Street from dereliction. John, along with help from other volunteers known as ‘Friends of the Vic’, raised funds, achieved charity status and has slowly brought the building back into use as a viable, active and vibrant community hub.
A special Certificate of Recognition was presented to Jason Pointing, son of the late Dee Gillin, in memory of Dee’s exemplary contribution to the town through her charity work with the Lions Club.
John Munro Izzy Johnson James Gray Bob Tanner Sharon Blaikie John Paton Jason Pointing
The 2020 Community Awards
The Ceremony
In light of public health guidelines, The Arundel Community Award Ceremony was held behind closed doors on the afternoon of Wednesday 09 December. However, in conjunction with BeechtoBeach, a truly inspirational film was produced With additional thanks to photographer, Nigel Cull.
We are hoping to have a proper celebratory event in spring 2021 by which time we believe, fingers crossed, that the vaccination programme will have enabled the Covid-19 restrictions to be relaxed and normal life to be resumed.
The award nominations for 2020 were given to individuals, groups, organisations and businesses that went ‘above and beyond’ supporting those within the Arundel community during the covid-19 pandemic.
At a time when so much hardship and suffering had been felt by so many, a record thirty-two nominees were chosen. Mayor Tony Hunt had the privilege of reading all of them, telling an inspiring story about the community in which we live.
On Monday 21st December, a small number of the nominees were able to attend the Town Hall, in an appropriately safe socially distance way, to be presented with their certificate by the Mayor. They were also able to view their names on the Role of Honour scroll. Charlie Waring kindly took the photos.
Andrew Simpson
Head of Arundel CofE Primary SchoolGaskyns Wholefoods Kiel Pointon, Amanda Hopton and Jamie Wood,
The Kings Arms Online QuizSharon Blaikie Chair of both the Arundel Chamber of Commerce and Arundel Festival
The majority of the remaining nominees certificates were hand-delivered over the following two days. A small number of nominees requested we keep their certificates until guidelines enable us to present to them at their place of business.
The Role of Honour
To mark their contribution during this unprecedented year, Arundel Town Council had commissioned an historic Role of Honour, which displays the names of all nominees. This scroll has been hand-lettered by one of the country’s finest master calligraphists, Ste Duckett, who has had a long association with our town.

Originally learning his profession whilst in solitude of monastic life during his two years as a Cistercian monk in Leicestershire, Ste has also served as an apprentice butler at Buckingham Palace, Blenheim Palace, Hatfield House and at Arundel Castle for the Duke of Norfolk. He also sang as a countertenor at Arundel Castle as well as second assistant organist at Arundel Cathedral. He is 39 and lives in Fife, Scotland. For further details, please do visit his website
This Role of Honour will be displayed within the historic Atherley Chamber of the Town Hall, alongside the records of other individuals who have provided great service to Arundel over the centuries.
In addition, everyone on the Role of Honour will receive their own personal certificate.
Arundel Community Award Nominees for 2020
A huge congratulations to all those nominated:

Lucy Charnock
Julie Denyer
Amanda Hopton
OSCAR Maitland
Kiel Pointon
Joe Riley
David Taylor
Eileen Wallace
Daisy Watson-Rumbold
Derek white
Jamie Wood
Brigid Wooton
1st Arundel Brownies and Rainbows: Rachel Stanford
Arundel Cathedral of Our Lady and St. Philip Howard: Dr. Elizabeth Stratford
Arundel Church of England School: Andrew Simpson
Arundel Scrubs Hub
St. Nicholas Parish Church: Fiona Maxwell, Canon David Twinley, The St. Nicholas volunteers
St. Philip’s Catholic Primary School: Lucy Horne
The Arundel Book Exchange: Mark Phillips
The Arundel Surgery
The Chamber of Commerce: Sharon Blaikie

Arundel Butchers
Arundel Co-op
Arundel Post Office & Royal Mail
Gaskyns Wholefoods
Hillside Stores
Larkin’s Groceries and Provisions
Lloyds Pharmacy
Pallant of Arundel
The Biffa street cleaning Crew
The Kings Arms
Trawlers Fish & Chips
We are proud and grateful for all that they have done for us and for the recognition that has been given to them.
The Arundel Lifetime Achievement Award
This Community Lifetime Award is being introduced for the first time in 2020. It is designed to recognise those who have given outstanding commitment and service to the residents of Arundel over many decades.
We take great pleasure in announcing this year’s winners as:

Eric Nash
Eric Nash has lived and worked in Arundel his whole life only leaving to serve his country in World War II. There is nothing in Arundel that at one time or another that Eric has not had a hand in helping, from The Arundel Players to The Arundel Museum where he was one of the first members to help start the museum way back in the 1950’s.
Eric has been gardening his whole life, he shared his first allotment with his father and uncle. He is a member of the Allotment Association and was Secretary of the Arundel Flower Show for many years. Eric has been known to sell his wares in aid of many different charities. Some he is still active with are the British Red Cross and the Arundel Branch of the Royal British Legion. He is one of the oldest and longest members of Arundel’s branch.
Eric continues to be an active member of St Nicholas Church’s congregation, he presented the church with a pair of glass doors in memory of his wife who had sung in the church choir for 60years.
He worked for the West Sussex Gazette, starting as an apprentice in 1946. After some years of being there he was sent to America to bring back the humble photocopier to England.
When talking to Eric he is a very unassuming man who wonders what all the fuss is about. Eric has many tales, stories and a whole host of knowledge which he is more than happy to share with you.

Peter Knight
Peter Knight has played a key role in managing the Norfolk Estate for the last 4 decades.
Throughout those years Peter has been a great supporter of Arundel. Always in good humour, Peter has quietly helped our community in ways that are too numerous to list.
Arundel is blessed to be set in some of the most beautiful countryside in the land. The Norfolk Estate and Peter’s commitment to a range of biodiversity programs has ensured that this is protected and enhanced for all to enjoy.
For his great service to the community, Arundel Town Council confers the honour of an Arundel Community Lifetime Award on the said Peter Knight.

Wendy B. Eve
Wendy Eve served as a member of Arundel Town Council for over 30 years, and held the position of Mayor on five occasions. For over 20 years she acted as the treasurer of the 1st Arundel Scout Group. At St. Nicholas Church she is an active member of the Parish Council, and acts as a trustee of The Victoria Institute and The Holmes Foundation, whilst she has been a director of the Arundel Community Land Trust since its foundation.
For her great service to the community, sustained over many years, and undertaken in so many diverse areas, Arundel Town Council confers the honour of an Arundel Community Lifetime Award on the said Wendy Eve.
Once again, we are hoping to have a proper celebratory event in spring 2021 by which time we believe, fingers crossed, that the vaccination programme will have enabled the Covid-19 restrictions to be relaxed and normal life to be resumed.
Congratulations on this truly well-deserved recognition of your great service to Arundel.
For any further information please contact

Arundel Community Award 2019 Winner – David Wood
“On Thursday 5th December 2019 Mayor of Arundel, Councillor Wendy Eve, presented the fifth annual Arundel Community Award to David Wood for his tireless efforts keeping Arundel Lido open for the community, for his continued hard work with Project LEAP to extend the Lido’s open season and to deliver a brand-new community space and gym for the benefit of the community.

Young Persons Commendation Award 2019
Congratulations to Kyle Burton who was awarded the Young Persons Commendation Award at 2019 Community Awards Evening at Arundel Town Council. Kyle was nominated by his Head Teacher Andrew Simpson for being a positive influence on others. In particular Andrew said, ‘Kyle has been a positive role model and influence on children in his class when they have been having challenges, he has spent time collecting litter at the weekend in the local woods around school and inspired by our worship he decided that he would save his pocket money to help the various charities we support.’
The Town Council would also like to congratulate those that were nominated: Merryn Bradley, Louise Figg, Daisy Jenkins, Isobel Johnson and Isla & Olivia Pearson, and thank them for their contribution to the community.
The Annual Community Awards 2018 were attended by the High Sheriff of West Sussex, Caroline Nicholls and Nigel Lynn, Chief Executive of Arun District Council.
The High Sheriff was also given a tour of town by the Mayor, Lucy Ashworth. They visited many businesses which are important to the community and she enjoyed a warm welcome at Belinda’s Tea Rooms by the fire with Chairs of Committees, Cllr Wendy Eve, Cllr Sunil Patel and Cllr James Stewart.
The work of Young People was recognised with a New Young Person’s Commendation Award which was sponsored by ‘Arundel’s Trophies’. Over 200 designs for Mill Road and Canada Road parks had been received from the schools and community groups. These were then judged together with ADC and winners were selected as follows;
Daisy Jenkins from St Philips Primary School, Emily Carman from Arundel Church of England Primary School and William Linott – Clarke were recognised for their work on submitting parks designs for Arundel.
Daisy Jenkins Emily Carman William Lintott – Clarke
Local musicians, Collin Baxter and Will Hall played songs from their new album True to Me.
The Town Crier, Angela Standing was presented with a gift and given thanks for all her work in the town including her excellent reading of the 93 fallen on the Centenary of Armistice Day by the Mayor, Lucy Ashworth.

With a record number of nominations for the Annual Community Awards, the Mayor announced the winners as Pauline and Geoff Allen who have contributed so much to the town in many roles, inspiring others to play their part in the community.
The Mayor, Lucy Ashworth was delighted to present Geoff and Pauline Allen with the Arundel Community Award Cup 2018. Geoff Allen had been nominated for his work with the Rotary Club, the Holmes Foundation and as a Magistrate. Pauline has contributed to the town through her work with the NSPCC, Governor of St Philips School, Committee member of the Arundel Festival and as a Trustee of Ford Prison.
The refreshments for the evening were kindly donated by the Arundel Coop.
Photos credit – Charles Waring.

Winner – Gill Hart
“On Thursday, 7th December 2017, Mayor of Arundel, Councillor Angela Standing, presented the third annual Arundel Community Award to Gill Hart for her work with the 1st Arundel (Earl of Arundel’s Own) Scout Group.
Gill has been giving her time to the scouting movement for over 30 years. Generations of Arundel residents have benefitted from her scouting skills, in helping young people reach their potential. With her endless enthusiasm, dedication, care, tireless support and fundraising she is the backbone of the Arundel Scout Group.“

Winner – Margaret and Jim Myerscough
“On Thursday 22nd December we presented the 2016 Arundel Community Award to Jim and Margaret Myerscough for their work on the many committees within Arundel over their lifetime and the hours of voluntary work they give in clearing vegetation and litter to help keep our town at its best. They were both born in Arundel and so ‘Mullets’. Jim Served at Arundel Fire Station for 35 years. They are both currently active in helping with special events at the Cathedral. They are currently in the process of clearing neglected headstones and graves in the Arundel Catholic Cemetery.
The two other nominees were Gill Farquharson for work on the Bell Magazine and Dee Gillan for fundraising and other community work.
At the event Mayor James Stewart also mentioned Mr Stanley Northeast who was awarded the “Chevalier in the Ordre National de la Legion d’Honneur” in November by the Honorary French Consul Captain Francois Jean. This was in recognition for the part he played in the D-Day landings and consequent Allied Liberation of France and Northern Europe.
We also gave thanks to Charlie Richardson who retired from his post of Mace Bearer after almost 30 year’s service with 12 different holders of the Office of Mayor.”

Winner – Nell Paton
“On the 17th December 2015 we were pleased to announce the long anticipated 2015 Community Award at an evening reception for the nominees, at the Town Hall. It was a pleasure to learn of all the exciting enterprises taking place in Arundel and to have an opportunity to showcase this, often unsung, community work. The decision was tough, and I would like to say well done to all the nominees, but especial congratulations to our winner; Nell Paton, for her invaluable work as Volunteer Co-ordinator of Arundel’s Community Orchard; a well-deserved win.”

Winner – Derek Waller
“In December we celebrated the inaugural Arundel Community Award with a reception at the Town Hall. Members from all the voluntary groups and clubs in the town were invited. Numerous nominations for the award were received and it was a very difficult choice with the eventual winner Mr Derek Waller, who was judged a worthy recipient for all his erstwhile, behind the scenes work on issues relating to flooding and our town generally.”