+44 (0)1903 882954 admin@arundeltowncouncil.gov.uk

Grass Cutting A27 Arundel Roundabouts

We have been in touch with Highways England recently with regard to the two roundabouts on the A27, at Ford Road and at the Causeway. They tell us that cutting back on the vegetation on both of them is scheduled to be completed shortly, but they cannot give us a precise date. We will get [...]


Arundel Town Council will be holding a Full Council Meeting on Thursday 10th June at 7:00pm. Due to social distance guidelines if you would like to attend the meeting, please advise via email to admin@arundeltowncouncil.gov.uk by Midday Wednesday 9th June. The meeting agenda can be found here: https://tinyurl.com/4v3j62cv Any public questions must be emailed to [...]

Arundel Town Meeting – 25th May 2021

Arundel Town Council held their Annual Town Meeting on Tuesday 25th May at Arundel Cathedral. You can watch it here: https://youtu.be/l9JEVcxiV-c. The Mayor, Tony Hunt, started by thanking Canon David Parmiter and his team for allowing the Town Meeting to be held in the Cathedral which allowed safe social distancing. He then reported on the [...]